Sunrise Credit Services, Inc.

An industry leader in accounts receivable management services.

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The Sunrise Credit Difference

Why is Sunrise Credit Services Inc. ranked among the top accounts receivable management services in the nation?

Frankly, there are a lot of reasons. But three big reasons are our deeply experienced people, our service-obsessed culture, and our commitment to quality and compliance.

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Let Us Know Your Needs and We'll Develop a Solution Tailored to Your Business

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Put Us to Work

Our experienced, U.S. team will get to work recovering your accounts

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See Measurable Results

Watch your cash recovery flow in. Sunrise is a top ranked collection agency in the U.S.A.

Why Sunrise

Make a Payment

Are you looking to make a payment, either online or by other means?

Sunrise offers consumers a variety of convenient payment options to help ensure that we receive your payment in a timely manner.

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Our Services

From first- and third-party accounts receivable management to customer care and retention to training your staff in best practices to credit investigations, Sunrise Credit Services provides an extensive menu of accounts receivable management services for our client-partners.

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Career Opportunities

If you’re looking for full-time work, part-time work, or a lifelong career, you’re in the right place.

At Sunrise you’ll find career opportunities that provide expert training, long-term growth potential and the competitive pay and benefits you’d expect of a business that’s in the top ranks of its industry.

Career Center Apply Today!

Career Opportunities at Sunrise Credit Services, Inc.

Explore The Sunrise Family of Companies University (SFCU)

I can’t believe I’m a Masters graduate! I’ve learned more about myself than I ever could’ve imagined. Every hour I’ve invested has paid off both personally and professionally.
SFCU Graduate
I chose to take SFCU classes to help me grow within the company! My experience through the SFCU journey was positive and I would recommend it to any employee.
SFCU Graduate
School was never my thing but my degrees at SFCU are the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I’m earning more money and feel better about my career than I ever have.
SFCU Graduate
My advice for future SFCU students, take your time, listen and try to learn at least one new thing each class. The more you know, the better off you’ll be working your client’s accounts.
SFCU Graduate
The SFCU program helped me to become a better collector, better manager and better overall employee.
SFCU Graduate
The SFCU staff always teaches us that knowledge is power, the more you know the more you will succeed.
SFCU Graduate

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Who is Sunrise Credit Services Inc.?

Why is Sunrise Credit Services Inc. contacting me?

How can I get my account information?

Why do I need to verify my information?

Please visit our FAQ page for some of the most popular frequently answered questions.

Long Island  Top Workplaces 2024: Sunrise Credit Services cultural excellene Long Island  Top Workplaces 2024: Sunrise Credit Services ACA International WBENC AARP_EPP_BADGE Community Associations Institute better-business-bureau EARMA Helen-Keller-Services-350px inside-arm Sunrise Credit Inc., a WBENC owned business inside-arm-2015 Mid Atlantic Association of Career Schools (MAACS) NYSOBBA: New York State Organization of Bursars & Business Administrators, PCI-Compliant RMAi: Receivables Management Association International SOC 2 audit badge Supplier-Clearing-House TRMA:  Telecommunications Risk Management Association